Harry Potter: Dumbledore's Ollivander Wand
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- €40,55
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Harry Potter is the story of the lonely boy who grows up in the broom closet with his evil aunt and uncle and nephew. One day he finds out that he is a wizard and that he has been lied to all his life. He is allowed to attend Hogwarts Wizarding School, and is apparently also a celebrity in the wizarding world. Because he survived a deadly attack by Lord Voldemort, who then disappeared. Millions of people around the world have grown up with Harry Potter and been enchanted by Hogwarts with the four houses of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. You can't do a Harry Potter fan more favor than give a gift from 1 of the four Hogwarts houses, or a collector's item. Or just everyday items such as cups and pens.
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