Product description
This helmet is a replica of the Corinthian helmet as it was worn by the Spartan hoplites around the 6th-5th century BC. The name of this type of helmet is derived from the Greek city of Corinth. The Corinthian helmet was in use from the seventh century BC. but around the fifth century it reached the shape as we know it today. Characteristics of this helmet are the nose piece, the split for the eyes, the narrow slit at the mouth, the extra thick protection of the skull with the round eyebrow shape and the protruding neck guard. This replica is made of brass and comes with a thick skull cap for extra wearing comfort. A perfect helmet for Greek re-enactment and LARP and Cosplay of characters from Antiquity.
Material: brass, cotton (cap)
Thickness: 1,2 mm
Max. head circumference: approx. 63 cm
Long distance (back to front): approx. 23 cm
Short distance (ear to ear): approx. 19.5 cm
Height: approx. 25 cm
Weight: 1,35 kg
Based on a historical original
Transport weight (gram): 3000 *
This item is produced in limited quantities only. This means that every piece is unique. Sizes & finish may vary lightly from piece to piece.
Choosing the size that fits you best
Add 3,5 cm to your head circumference if you wear an arming cap under your helmet.
Add 2,5 cm to your head circumference if you wear a chainmail coif under your helmet.
Add 6 cm to your head circumference if you wear both an arming cap and a chainmail coif under your helmet.
Packaged with 100% recycled material
When packaging this item, we exclusively use 100% recycled plastic and recycled paper/cardboard from FSC certified forests. We reuse a large part of the material directly without the intervention of a recycling process.
Recycle the material by separating your waste:
1. Cardboard: separate or reuse your paper.
2. Plastic cushions, clothing bags and plastic tape: separate or reuse your plastic. If possible, pierce the cushions with a volume reduction needle.
3. Paper packaging for jewelry and small items: these have a plastic inner layer. Remove these, then separate your paper and plastic.