Viking headwear

Discover our authentic Viking hats for your Viking costume. Viking fur hats and Birka hats for LARP, Cosplay, reenactment. 24/7 customer service, free shipping available

72 products

Buy a Viking hat, Viking fur hat or Birka hat

Our authentic Viking hats are made after originals worn by the Vikings. We sell Viking hats that are typical for the Rusvik Vikings. We also have Viking hats that were worn in Norway and the British Isles. Many of our Viking hats are trimmed with faux fur and available in several sizes. Viking hats were an important part of Viking clothing. The chaperon is also a popular early medieval headwear. Like the 4th century chaperon found on the Orkney Islands off the Scottish coast. Viking hats and chaperons kept the Vikings warm during their long trips in open ships such as the drakkar, snek and knorr (knarr).

Decorating your Viking hat

Decorate your hat like a real Viking. Vikings loved luxury and design. Embroider your Viking hat or decorate it with jewelry or fittings.