Mains gauches

Discover our mains gauches and parrying daggers. Razor sharp or blunt, for Historical European Martial Arts and reenactment. Windlass, Cold Steel, Hanwei, Deepeeka

13 products

Buy a replica main gauche or parrying dagger

The main gauche was used from the late 15th to 17th century. The main gauche, French for left hand, is also called parrying dagger because it was designed to parry the opponent’s rapier. Nowadays the main gauche is also called a left hand dagger. Main gauches often have a large guard to protect the hand in battle. The main gauche is made in a large variety and used to be the weapon for wealthy gentlemen. It was a fashion accessory as well. When the rapier was replaced by the epee, the main gauche was not used anymore and became a museum weapon.

Cold Steel & Hanwei main gauches

The top brands Hanwei and Cold Steel have both made main gauche replicas. Cold Steel's are a bit larger and mainly suitable for cutting tests and functionality. Hanwei has put more emphasis on the elegance of these weapons and has often designed them with a matching rapier for decoration.