Epic Armoury

Epic Armoury high quality LARP weapons and clothing Official Epic Armoury dealer, discover the entire collection in our webshop. Worldwide shipping available to

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Epic Armoury high quality LARP weapons and clothing

Official Epic Armoury dealer, discover the entire collection in our webshop. Worldwide shipping available to UK, USA and EU. Fast shipping, 24/7 customer service. The LARP brand

Epic Armoury LARP armor

Epic Armoury makes high quality and affordable LARP armor. These armor parts are made for LARP but can also be used for reenactment and Viking and medieval Cosplay. Epic Armoury makes leather and steel LARP helmets, leather and steel LARP knight and Viking armor.

Epic Armoury leatherwork

Epic Armoury has its own Leather workshop where they produce high quality leather LARP armor and Viking armor. With this high quality leather you are guaranteed of years of LARP and role playing fun.

Epic Armoury face paint & fake blood

With their daughter brand Epic Effects, Epic Armoury makes professional face paint, make-up, artificial blood and body prostheses. They product horns, wounds and elven ears that look lifelike and can be worn for a long time. The face paint stays in place for a several hours and can even be worn in your hair. The fake blood can be applies to body parts, clothing and weapons. This fake blood is a thick viscous density that makes it look lifelike. Epic Armoury fake blood is tested and food safe, so you can also apply it on your mouth for photoshoots.

Epic Armoury LARP clothing

Epic Armoury makes beautiful LARP clothing such as Viking aprons, hangerocs, Viking dresses, Viking clothing and medieval clothing. Epic Armoury clothing is made of high quality fabrics and has very friendly prices. They have great cloaks, dresses and tunics for LARP, Cosplay and reenactment.

Epic Armoury LARP weapons

Epic Armoury LARP weapons are world famous for their quality. Epic Armoury makes LARP weapons such as LARP shields, LARP knives, LARP swords, LARP daggers as well as LARP staffs and spears. Epic Armoury's weapons have a fiberglass core covered with a layer of kevlar. This makes it almost impossible to release the core. The LARP weapons are made of foam and have a painted latex coating. These LARP weapons look lifelike. They are also officially safe for LARP battles.

Ready for Battle, by Epic Armoury

Epic Armoury has developed a special budget line of LARP weapons. These weapons and armor have been developed for new and young LARPers with a somewhat lower budget. Ready for Battle items have the same high quality requirements as other LARP weapons by Epic Armoury and are approved for battles.

Epic Armoury DIY LARP swords

Epic Armoury makes parts of LARP swords, so you can make your own LARP sword as desired. We also have fiberglass cores and LARP latex with which you can make your own LARP weapons or cosplay weapons in an instant.


Vêtements GN de Epic Armoury

Epic Armoury fabrique de beaux vêtements de GN tels que des tabliers Viking, des cintres, des robes Viking, des vêtements Viking et des vêtements médiévaux. Les vêtements Epic Armoury sont fabriqués à partir de tissus de haute qualité et à des prix très avantageux. Ils ont de superbes manteaux, robes et tuniques pour GN, Cosplay et reconstitution historique.

Armes GN de Epic Armoury

Les armes GN de Epic Armoury sont mondialement connues pour leur qualité. Epic Armoury fabrique des armes de GN tels que des boucliers GN, des couteaux GN, des épées GN, des poignards GN ainsi que des bâtons et des lances GN. Les armes d'Epic Armoury ont un noyau en fibre de verre recouvert d'une couche de kevlar. Cela rend presque impossible la libération du noyau. Les armes de GN sont faites de mousse et ont un revêtement en latex peint. Ces armes de GN ont l'air réalistes. Ils sont également officiellement sûrs pour les batailles de GN.

Ready for Battle, by Epic Armoury

Epic Armoury a développé une ligne budgétaire spéciale pour les armes de GN. Ces armes et armures ont été développées pour les nouveaux et jeunes GN avec un budget quelque peu inférieur. Les objets Ready for Battle ont les mêmes exigences de qualité élevées que les autres armes GN d'Epic Armoury et sont approuvés pour les batailles GN.

Epic Armoury DIY Épées GN

Epic Armoury fabrique des parties d'épées de GN, vous pouvez donc créer votre propre épée GN comme vous le souhaitez. Nous avons également des noyaux en fibre de verre et du latex GN avec lesquels vous pouvez fabriquer vos propres armes de GN ou armes cosplay en un instant.