Introduction: The Vikings

Introduction: The Vikings

The Vikings were seafarers from Scandinavia (modern-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden). Between the 8th and 11th centuries, they were known for their raids, trade, and settlements across Europe. They also traveled to the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East, Greenland, and Vinland (modern-day Newfoundland in Canada). This period is known as the Viking Age, and the term "Viking" often refers to all the inhabitants of Scandinavia. The Vikings had a major influence on the history of Northern and Eastern Europe and contributed to the political and social development of England, parts of France, and the formation of Russia in Kiev.

Although the term "Viking" is often associated with sailors and warriors, it also refers to a broader culture. This included not only military expeditions but also art, shipbuilding, and social structures. As the Viking Age progressed, the Scandinavian kingdoms began to consolidate their identities, eventually transitioning to the Middle Ages and adopting Christianity in the region.

Seafarers & Expeditions

With their distinctive longships, the Vikings were exceptional seafarers. They established settlements in the British Isles, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Normandy, and along the Baltic coast. In Eastern Europe, where they were known as the Varangians, they controlled trade routes along the Dnieper and Volga rivers. The Norsemen, Norse-Gaels, Rus', Faroese, and Icelanders emerged from these colonies.

A group of Rus-Vikings even traveled to Constantinople, where they served as bodyguards for the Byzantine emperor before attacking the city. They also reached Georgia, Iran, and Arabia and were the first Europeans to visit North America, where they briefly settled in Vinland.


The Vikings not only brought their culture to other countries but also took slaves, concubines, and foreign influences back to Scandinavia. This had a lasting impact on their history and genetic makeup. During the Viking Age, the Scandinavian kingdoms gradually united into three larger states: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

The Vikings spoke Old Norse and used runes for inscriptions. Initially, they practiced Old Norse paganism, but many later converted to Christianity. Beyond being warriors, most Vikings were also farmers, fishermen, craftsmen, and traders. Although they are often portrayed as brutal raiders, Viking civilization was complex and sophisticated, with its own laws, art, and architecture.

Other Cultures

The Vikings were closely connected with other peoples and cultures, such as the Slavic tribes, with whom they fought, traded, and intermarried. This led to a stronger influence of Slavic elements in Scandinavia than previously thought.

Denmark, for example, served as an important hub where Slavic and Scandinavian cultures merged.

In the 10th century, the grave of a female warrior was discovered in Denmark. Long thought to be a Viking, new analysis suggests that she may have been a Slavic woman from modern-day Poland. Slavic influences are also visible in Scandinavian royal marriages. For example: King Erik of Sweden married Gunhild from the Polish Piast dynasty. Their son Olof had a Slavic concubine, Edla, whose children became prominent figures: Emund the Old, King of Sweden, and Astrid, Queen of Norway. Cnut the Great, King of Denmark, England, and Norway, also had Polish ancestry through his grandmother, who was possibly a former Polish queen of Sweden.

Viking DNA

In 2020, Margaryan and his team analyzed the DNA of 442 European individuals from the Viking Age. They discovered that these individuals were genetically similar to modern Scandinavians. The most common Y-DNA haplogroup was I1, followed by R1b and R1a — particularly the Scandinavian subgroup R1a-Z284. The study confirmed that Vikings often intermarried with women from other regions, as indicated by the combination of Scandinavian Y-DNA and Southern European genetic markers in places like Foggia (Italy).

The study also confirmed migration patterns: From Sweden to Estonia and Finland. From Norway and Denmark to Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland. In Britain, it was difficult to distinguish Danish Viking genes from Anglo-Saxon genes. In Estonia, skeletons of warriors from central Sweden were found buried with weapons and armor.

Regarding female ancestry, there was a clear Scandinavian influence in areas close to Scandinavia, such as the Shetland and Orkney Islands. In more distant regions, Viking ancestry was primarily passed down through the male line — for example, in Liverpool, where up to 50% of men carried Norse genes.

Somerled, a Celtic warlord in Western Scotland, was found to have Viking ancestry, belonging to haplogroup R-M420. In Bodzia (Poland), the grave of an elite warrior was discovered, whose DNA and isotope analysis indicated Scandinavian-Russian roots. He likely came to Poland with Prince Sviatopolk of Kiev.


The Viking Age is not only defined by raids and exploration but also by the development of trade networks and cultural exchange. Trade routes stretched from Scandinavia to Baghdad, where Vikings traded exotic goods such as furs, ivory, and slaves. Key trading cities such as Birka, Hedeby, and Novgorod played a central role in these exchanges.

Jomsvikings and Jomsborg

The Jomsvikings were a legendary group of warriors who were said to come from Jomsborg, a settlement believed to have been located somewhere near the Oder estuary. The exact location of Jomsborg remains unknown. The Jomsvikings were described as fierce warriors bound by a strict code of honor, and they played a key role in Viking history and legend.

End of the Viking Age

While the Vikings were active in Europe, Scandinavia itself underwent major changes. New influences led to the rise of kingdoms and an economic transition. By the late 11th century, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden had begun to form as distinct nation-states. Cities became administrative and religious centers, introducing currency systems modeled after English and German examples. At the same time, the influx of silver from the Middle East and England declined, weakening the economic foundation of Viking expeditions.

After the Viking Age, the kings of Norway maintained power in parts of northern Britain and Ireland. Raids continued into the 12th century, but the military ambitions of Scandinavian rulers shifted direction. In 1107, Sigurd I of Norway led a crusade to the eastern Mediterranean. The kings of Denmark and Sweden also actively participated in the Baltic Crusades in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Influence on Place Names and Language

The Vikings left a lasting influence on the place names and languages of the areas where they settled. Place names such as Egilsay (Eigil's island), Ormskirk (Ormr's church), and Tórshavn (Thor's harbor) reflect their presence. Even the parliament of the Isle of Man, the Tynwald, originates from this time. In the Shetland and Orkney Islands, Old Norse replaced the original languages completely, evolving into the now-extinct language Norn. In England and Normandy, Viking influence is evident in names such as York (horse bay) and Swansea (Sveinn's island).

The Old Norse language also influenced modern Scandinavian languages, including Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Faroese, and Icelandic. In Eastern Europe, where Vikings were known as the Rus', the influence on Slavic languages was limited, likely due to the large differences between the languages and more peaceful trade relations in this region.

Runes and Inscriptions

The Vikings used runes for inscriptions, which have been found across a vast area from Greenland to Istanbul. Runes mention journeys to places such as Jerusalem, England, and Byzantium, and monuments like the Harald Bluetooth rune stone claim the Christian conversion of Denmark.

The use of runes lasted for a long time, especially in Älvdalen, Sweden, where they remained in use until the 1920s. The runes of Älvdalen, known as Dalecarlian runes, are a unique variant closely related to Old Norse. Elfdalian, the language of Älvdalen, is distinct from other Scandinavian languages and more closely related to Old Norse. Although it was considered a dialect of Swedish, it meets the criteria for a separate language. Today, there are only 2,000–3,000 speakers, but the use of Elfdalian is declining due to the dominance of Swedish in education and administration.

Social Life of the Vikings

Viking society was divided into three classes: thralls, karls, and jarls, as described in the Eddic text Rígsþula. According to this text, society was shaped by the god Ríg (Heimdallr). Archaeological finds confirm this social structure.

Thralls (Slaves)

The thralls, or slaves, were the lowest class and made up as much as a quarter of the population. Slaves were essential to Viking society. They performed hard labor such as building fortifications, canals, roads, and farms and were also used as trade goods. Thralls were often captured during Viking raids and then used or sold in Scandinavia or in other territories — for example, to Arabs in exchange for silver or silk.

Karls (Free Farmers)

Karls, or free farmers, formed the middle class. They owned land, livestock, and farms. They carried out daily tasks such as plowing, milking, and house building but often used thralls for assistance. Other terms for this class were bonde or simply free men.

Jarls (Aristocracy)

The jarls were the highest class and controlled large estates, luxurious longhouses, and many thralls. Their role focused on governance, politics, and leading expeditions. Upon the death of a jarl, his thralls were sometimes sacrificed and buried with him, as shown by archaeological evidence.

Although the three classes were clearly defined, there were also intermediate forms and some social mobility, particularly between karls and jarls.

Communities and Responsibilities

Viking society also had félag — communities based on trade, shared ship ownership, or military obligations. Members were known as félagi. In a military context, they were often referred to as drenge (warriors). There were also organized communities for defense, religion, legal systems, and assemblies such as the Thing.

Food and Drink

The Vikings ate a varied diet with a strong emphasis on seafood. Whales, walruses, and seals were hunted, while oysters, mussels, shrimp, cod, and salmon were highly valued. In more southern areas, herring was a staple.

Milk from cows, goats, and sheep was used for drinks and products such as butter, cheese, and skyr. Herbs and spices were both imported and locally cultivated. Popular herbs included caraway, mustard, horseradish, dill, and coriander.

Daily Life in the Viking Age

Food and Agriculture

The Vikings gathered and ate a variety of fruits, berries, and nuts. Apples (wild crabapples), plums, and cherries were part of their diet, along with wild berries such as raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. Hazelnuts were important, and walnut shells were used not only for dyeing but also consumed as food.

The introduction of the moldboard plow in the early Viking Age significantly improved agriculture, making even poor soils fertile. Crops such as rye, barley, oats, and wheat were grown locally and processed into porridge, bread, and beer. Flax was also essential for the production of oil, food, and linen.

Although bread was often made from whole grain flour, it sometimes contained toxic weed seeds and small stone fragments from the grinding stones, which could damage teeth and cause illness.

Leisure and Social Interaction

The Vikings were fond of board games and dice games such as hnefatafl and nitavl (mill game). Game pieces were made from wood, bone, glass, or ivory.

Festivities were often accompanied by beer and mead, along with music, poetry, and storytelling. Instruments such as harps, lyres, and violins were popular.

Trade and Export

The Vikings traded extensively in goods such as:

Amber – Fossilized resin from the North Sea, used for jewelry and trade.

Furs – From martens, foxes, bears, and otters, valued for warmth.

Textiles – High-quality wool fabrics were spun and woven.

Slaves – Captured people were traded within Scandinavia and beyond.

Other goods included weapons, walrus ivory, salt, cod, and even falcons for the European nobility.

Warfare and Weapons

All free men were required to own weapons. Social status was reflected in the type of weapons they carried:

  • Jarls wore helmets, chainmail, and swords (often symbolic).

  • Bóndi (free farmers) fought with spears, shields, and axes — with two-handed axes being especially effective.


The Old Norse religion was a polytheistic belief system that developed when the North Germanic peoples separated from other Germanic groups. The Vikings believed in various gods and goddesses, divided into two groups: the Æsir and the Vanir. Well-known gods included Odin and Thor. The faith revolved around Yggdrasil, the World Tree, which connected the different worlds. There were various afterlives, each governed by different gods. The religion was primarily passed down through oral tradition, with a strong emphasis on rituals. Kings and chieftains served as high priests and played an important role in conducting sacrifices and rituals, which often took place in open-air spaces such as forests and lakes. There were also practitioners of Seiðr, a form of magic that was seen as shamanistic.

Assimilation into Christianity

Christianity gradually gained influence. Denmark and Norway established dioceses in the 11th century, and in 1103, the first archbishopric in Scandinavia was founded in Lund, which was then part of Denmark. The church changed the religious and social landscape, and slavery — once an important source of profit for the Vikings — was discouraged. Since Christians were not allowed to keep fellow Christians as slaves, this practice largely disappeared, removing the economic incentive for raids. This marked the end of the Viking Age and the integration of Scandinavia into Christian Europe.

Cultural Assimilation

The Viking identity remained intact in remote areas such as Iceland, but Viking groups often assimilated quickly into other cultures, such as the Franks in Normandy.

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  • author: Patrick & Judith
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