Gallic warrior

Gallic warrior

With this composition I have chosen to assemble a Gallic (Celtic) warrior from the 1st century BC-1st century AD. Most Celtic warriors were lightly armed and armored. Speed was the key to their success and the most successful acts of war were ambushes. If the Gauls did not have war with other peoples, they did have war between different tribes. Gauls did not see themselves as one people (although the tribes knew very well that they shared a cultural identity). A Gallic warrior is more likely to call themselves not Gallic, but after their tribe. For example, the Menapii who lived in the region of the Scheldt, between the southern Netherlands and northern France. This warrior is both an example for warriors from internal conflicts and as a Gallic warrior at the time of the Gallic wars with the Roman general Julius Caesar.


According to the Roman general Julius Caesar, many Gallic warriors fought naked. The Celts themselves also regularly depicted warriors naked. This may have had to do with guerrilla purposes where clothing and equipment got in the way, it could also have had to do with spiritual purposes. However, it cannot be ruled out that Roman propaganda greatly exaggerated this subject.


Thorsberg pants

Our Gallier here wears trousers that strongly resemble the Thorsberg trousers from the 2nd century AD. The trousers are tight, effective trousers that were also worn by the Romans themselves in later Roman periods.

Gallic tunic

Our Gallic warrior in this composition wears a tunic of rough woven cotton. This cotton looks very similar to linen but is cheaper and sturdier. As with other garments, the more difficult the color was to make, the more expensive it was. Most Gauls wore earth tones and possibly diamond motifs.

Celtic belt

The belt I chose is a belt based on recovered belt hooks. Hundreds of belt hooks from the La Tène Period have been found. Unlike later periods, the Celts fastened their belts with belt hooks, which hooked into the holes of the belt.


Celtic sword

Like most peoples, swords were a luxury. Celtic swords were known for their sharpness and efficiency. Celtic swords were longer than those of most of the surrounding peoples and could be used well from horseback. They could be used for stabbing, but were mainly developed for slashing.

Celtic spear

The spear was an extraordinary weapon for the Celts. Spears are faster and lighter than swords. The Celts used spears for stabbing as well as for working. In addition, some spears were very suitable to participate in both. Archery was less popular in Celtic culture.

We sell both blunt and sharp spears, depending on the purpose you want to do with the design. The blunt spears or spears with a safety cap are very suitable for Re-enactment.


Gallic helmet

Several Gallic and Celtic helmets have been found in Europe and the British Isles. Most of these helmets were both practical and intimidating. Horsehair was often hung from the tip of the helmet.



Chain mail

The chainmail is a Celtic development. Chain mail was very expensive and was only reserved for Celtic chieftains who almost always fought on horseback. Celtic chainmail closely resembled the later Roman chain mail such as the Lorica hamata. This was because the Romans had copied the chain mail well from the Celts.

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  • author: Patrick
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